Liz Beeson

On the Virge

Losing your virginity has been the obsession of movies, songs, stories, and religion for as long as humans have been around. Whether your first time was the best sex of your life, a random hook up, forgettable, or regrettable, we were all new to this once. Hosted by Rebecca Duckert and Liz Beeson (two confirmed non-virgins, and therefore totally qualified to talk about this stuff), this is On the Virge, the podcast that explores the good, the bad, and the ugly of your sexual debut. And no matter how it went down, one thing’s for sure: you never forget your first. 

Subscribe now and follow @onthevirgepod on Instagram and Twitter!

Episode 01

A Tale of Two Firsts

Episode 02

Pitching a Tent

Episode 03

Halloween Hookup


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